“I’m hugely excited to be spearheading the WildTime Offline campaign as it’s the culmination of many years inspiring individuals to switch on to the amazing green and wild places all around us. Even in an urban environment there is space for nature to be found within our reach. If we can focus as little as thirty minutes of our uninterrupted time each day and open our minds to our deep- rooted instinct for wonder and imagination we can regain balance and perspective in our lives.
For over twenty years I have been encouraging people to get out into nature through my adventure challenge business WildFox Events Ltd. We’ve supported incredible charities but there is a more immediate benefit that impacts of the thousands of people who’ve taken part. I’ve seen first hand how making space to experience wild places, escape everyday chaos and inhale a dose of fresh air can transform us. Being physically active has of course many benefits but simply being outside, away from technology frees up time to build relationships in the here and now.
But in that time I’ve become conscious of a shift. It’s concerning that the pressure to remain continually digitally connected has been accelerating at an almost alarming rate. We are being swept along by a wave of innovation way beyond anything we anticipated. Yes we can harness this technology with wondrous effect and we rely on it for so much of our daily lives but we should not let it control our every waking moment or we will lose our bond with our surroundings.
Nature feeds our imagination and improves our physical and mental health and wellbeing. It’s a tonic, an antidote to the algorithms invading our thought patterns We need moments of calm, of silence, of boredom even. We need uninterrupted space to talk and to be silent, to think and to dream. We need to make it a priority to find some WildTime Offline every day as without this free time how can we expect to be independent thinkers and creative innovators?
It’s like taking a vitamin. It’s not rocket science, its something we already know. Its good for us.
“During his recent trip to Mainland China, David Fox-Pitt gave motivational talks to a number of schools, educational leaders and media organisations. His approach was simple; to inspire others to reflect upon their work and the principles sustaining their life in order and to make purposeful changes. His words touched the hearts and minds of many and has had a profound impact.”
Mrs Wu, China Consultant Director of Leading UK Education and Culture

“There are so many things as adults many of us wished we’d known at school: David Fox Pitt has pulled together the things he wished he’d known 30 years ago, weaving together anecdotes and serious messages to give a hugely engaging talk encouraging teenagers to embrace life after school. David radiates genuine social conscience and inspires his audience to believe they too could have positive impact. His Wild Fox Events create challenges where charitable fund raising is a condition of participation: thousands have pushed themselves to their limits and in doing so raised £40million for charity. David’s boundless energy and characteristic enthusiasm was undimmed after 3 consecutive hour long talks at Fettes College to audiences drawn from many local schools – he and his Penny Farthing were truly memorable”.
Susanna Stanford, Fettes College Edinburgh
“Our Chinese guests found David’s positive energy and enthusiasm infectious; He has the ability to reach out and communicate across cultural divides and to inspire people to step out of their comfort zones. This included Scottish dancing which we all threw ourselves into with reckless abandon!”
“There are not many people who can make a 54 mile hike in 24 hours a really fun event but David is one of them. Just when you’ve had enough, in the middle of nowhere, there’s a fire-breathing dragon, an ice cream stall, a serving of haggis, fireworks over a remote loch… and so it goes on. He not only organised the event but was a huge support throughout the whole thing, popping up everywhere offering encouragement but most of all with genuine enthusiasm and kindness.”
“David has discovered that the difference between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary’ simply requires commitment to our vision, our motivation and most importantly our action taking.”